In Cologna Veneta, close to Verona in Italy, a group of chemical researchers placed in a modern and equipped laboratory, is studying daily, with passion, innovative systems and techniques for creating water-based compounds and emulsions, to be used and applied in: water waste treatment, textile and leather industries, coatings and paints/varnishes, detergency, metal-working, agriculture, food…
These products are mostly compounds, antifoams, silicone based softeners, micro-emulsions, nano-emulsions, all manufactured in the plant located in the same area where an efficient and well-equipped chemistry plant produces them with both care and precision.
Innovative technologies, constantly in evolution, are allowing the Silitex’s products being appreciated all over the world.
Men and women full of passion, professionally skilled, under constant improvement, make Silitex an avant-garde and referring reality for the world’s market.
The Silitex’s COMPOUNDS are the core of every preparation we do.
Are complex chemical structures studied in our laboratories, industrialized in ...
Silitex’s EMULSIONS are the focus of the activity.
A real technology, an ongoing development and evolution, which matches to the passion and art ...
Silitex’s MICRO-EMULSIONS express the maximum synthesis between a thorough research work and an advanced manufacturing technology.
This ...
Silitex’s NANO-EMULSIONS represent a challenge and a great vision for present and futire times.
Working, studying, researching and producing ...
The materialization of our visions for the future, the desire to do chemistry to give the world innovation, new technologies and love for the environment.
CHEMISTRY, NATURE, ENVIRONMENT ... are our most important partners. We rely on them to guide our research, our production and our future.
The use of eco-sustainable raw materials is the main focus of our laboratory research